All times are UTC - 6 hours

Early 2004, with Supertribe having slipped into inactivity, Walhallah searched for active co-leaders to run the clan and found these in Keith181 and a few active members like Shinak, HairyEyeBall.

Towards the middle of 2004 the clan management was pretty desparate to revive the clan. One of the clan's myths is about the moment in time where Keith181 demoted Supertribe and took away his admin powers.

Somewhere around summer 2004 the clan collapsed at a size of 120 members of which 110-115 were inactive. To turn the tide Walhallah decided to start all over, based on what the clan has learned in time. All 120 members were deleted and Shiana and ThePhilosopher were asked to help rebuild the clan and a few others re-invited. With ThePhilosopher as co-leader, the clan's policy changed to democracy. From now on, all members were equal, with voting and discussing rights on all subjects such as which members to invite. No new member would be invited without the members having discussed about it. This led to a clan of around 15 - 20 active, quality members.
 2002  |  2003  |  2004  |  2005  |  2006  |  2007  |  2008  |  2009  |  2010  |  2011  |  2012 


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